Running time segments: 22 minutes
production soundstages and post-production facilities are completed, Adobespaceship
Productions intends to create television themed endeavors as well
In Artistry, a fact-based
thirty minute anthology television series starring Michael Horse as host,
that provides information, behind the scenes lifestyles and insights into
various artisan topics and creative works created and profiled during each
Analysis In History,
a fact-based thirty-minute television series that spotlights major
historical moments of Canadian and United States events never before
Frontier Law,
a fictional one-hour television series set in the 1870s that profiles the
life and hardships of the first female judge in the old Canadian west,
which happens to be of First Nation heritage.
The Storyteller,
a one-hour anthology television series that depicts the greatest stories
told around the fire pits of the First Nations.
television series will be available for both international and domestic
syndication when ninety segments each have been produced. These will be
designed as daily strips (airing daily ― Monday through Friday) and
available to syndicates throughout the world. Should the climate of
syndication change, Adobespaceship Productions is prepared to
adjust the timetables necessary to suit the marketplace.
of Adobespaceship Productions product will include all
avenues, television and radio commercial spots, fan club conventions,
newspaper and magazine interviews and inserts, several comic book series
and book-format publications including script formats from the properties
will be designed to promote all products with specific focus on
distribution and will be on billboards, transit buses, bus bench posters
and on the World-Wide Web.